
24 06 2008

SocialThing is a website that bundles all the specs and whereabouts of your friends, a news feed where everything comes together. You can interact there for all the social network sites you are on. How to manage your digital life…

It is in private beta, but you can always sign in for a request.

Brightkite location based social network

22 06 2008

Brightkite is recent initiative for location based social networking. You don’t need GPS, it works with all mobile phones and laptop. I’m curious if that’s true, I will try this out with my 8 year old Nokia…

The website is very basic of course, has a  fresh and playful design. So check it out!

local based social network

Bookpublishing without a publisher…

15 06 2008

I think a publisher has a lot of value, your book is taking seriously to start with.

But I just wanted to try this Blurb website and do the test. It took me an afternoon to do this, working with templates. The work is done offline in BookSmart the software delivered on the Blurb platform, and then you can upload the whole thing, and on the Blurb website you can offer it for sales, order your books at the same time of course ;-), this is an upcoming industry!

It works like a charm! Maybe wait for ordering;-), until I have a copy and I keep you posted on the quality!


Land of beauty and …
By Christel De Maeyer

Tate modern Street and Studio exhibition

8 06 2008

Ever dreamed about getting your photos published in an exhibition catalogue? Now it is the time! At Tate Modern, there is an exhibition going on, on “The history of urban photography”. In addition to that they generate a catalogue based on User Generated Content. Street and studio is a group on Flickr, where you can upload your 2 best photos on the subject, and if you get selected they will be published in a catalogue trough an online service Blurb. An online service which enables you to publish your own books. There are already different intiatives, also in Belgium, but this really is very userfriendly, works on Mac. And you can also comeercialize it there!

Check it out! it is a nice cross media concept

Mobile Persuasion

4 06 2008

Mobile persuasion is a little book on a changing behaviour in the mobile environment. It brings some cases in different areas, such as healthcare, entertainment, logistics…etc.

In addition you get some insight in the different communication process, and how to attract people to it, in advertising, content and using mobile services or applications.

Clearly the mobile market is huge, and classic advertising does not work, seemless integration however, can work and create loyalty towards a brand together with community features.

In this book you also get some tips and tricks on design and usability. It is published by Stanford University, Persuasion Technology lab.